BSc (Hons) Construction Management (Full Accreditation by Surveying and Construction Management Professional Bodies) - Fully accredited by RICS, CIOB, HKICM, CABE, HKIPM, HKICW & ICWCI 輕鬆學習 |
Registration No
BSc (Hons) Construction Management -Reg # 252321 - 所有學科以習作評核 (No Exam)
Professional Accreditation
07 April 2025 (39th Intake) 現正接受報名....輕鬆學習
RICS Excellence Student Award 2024
★ This course meets the qualification as eligible academic qualifications for CIC - Certification of BIM Managers (CCBM) and Certification of BIM Co-ordinator (CCBC).
The course is accredited by RICS, CIOB, HKICM, CABE, HKIPM, HKICW & ICWCI Surveying and Construction Management professional bodies.
Pathway to Professional membership of HKIS, RICS, CIOB, HKICM & HKIPM.
Graduates of BSc (Hons) Construction Management degree can apply for Membership of the The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) The Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (HKICM) The Hong Kong Institute of Clerk of Works (HKICW) Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) Hong Kong Institute of Project Management (HKIPM) The Institute of Clerks of Works & Construction Inspectorate (ICWCI)
Course Aims and Objectives |
The course matches the needs of the industry, preparing students to be able to manage a construction project from inception and design through to occupation by developing skills in management to enable you to deliver projects safely, on time, on budget and to the highest possible quality. Students will learn about the immediate and long-lasting effect which construction activities have on the environment, and discover sustainable and environmentally sound construction methods and innovative management practices. For up-dated accreditation details, reference shall be made to website of professional bodies.
Module Structure |
This 16 months top up PTE course is composed of 4 modules, each carries 20 credits plus an Individual Honours Project which carries 40 credits. The modules have been developed to deliver the stated aims of the course:
1. Contract Practice (Coursework only)
2. Sustainable Building Design and Construction (Coursework only)
3. Project Management (Coursework only)
4. Bid Strategy and Professional Practice (Coursework only)
5. Individual Honours Project (coursework only)
All modules and research project are assessed by coursework unless otherwise stated. All coursework will be prepared and marked by local teaching staffs and moderated by home staffs.
Module Description
1. Contract Practice - 20 credits Assessed by coursework
Further deepening your knowledge and understanding of contract law and procurement, this module will provide you with the hands on experience of designing and executing a contract, which is a core requirement of you, as a construction professional. This module will introduce you to the various forms of contracts and the responsibilities of the people involved in executing a contract.
2. Sustainable Building Design and Construction - 20 credits Assessed by coursework The module provides you with an understanding of the principal applications of sustainable techniques to the design and construction of building services to commercial and industrial buildings; reinforcing the need for co-ordination of the building services installations within the overall construction process whilst integrating environmental technology into sustainable building solutions
3. Project Management - 20 credits Assessed by coursework
This module will provide you a critical perspective on the nature, and a number of essential aspects of construction projects together with the approaches and techniques to manage them.
The module will establish construction projects as an organisational entity, and highlight the two main approaches to the management of projects. The first one is the functional management approach which is largely based on structured techniques and methods, and the second one is the organisational management approach which sees management as an ongoing social and organisational process. You will be introduced to both approaches, and shown how to use them in a balanced way for the successful management of construction projects. While the organisational management approach to project management will provide you the intellectual skills that you need for project management, the functional management approach will equip you with the technical skills.
4. Bid Strategy and Professional Practice - 20 credits Assessed by coursework This module will focus on extending and providing appropriate evidence of your professional skills and development. Within an applied socially responsive framework, you will examine a range of issues related to the client, the site, planning, financial/development appraisal, design technology, legal and regulatory, health and safety etc. These will be covered in conjunction with other professional courses or your own discipline as appropriate, given that all built environment professions and recent reports such as the Farrell Review place increasing stress on interdisciplinary understanding and working.
5. Individual Honours Project - 40 credits The purpose of the module is to enable you to undertake a sustained, in-depth and research-informed project exploring an area that is of personal interest to you. In agreement with your supervisor, you will decide upon your topic which will take the form of a practical outcome (artefact) with accompanying contextual material.
Remark: Coursework assessments may include presentation, viva-voce...etc. where applicable.
Entry Requirements |
1. Advanced Diploma, Higher Diploma, Associate Degree or Professional Diploma in Building Studies, Quantity Surveying, Building Surveying, Construction Management, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Real Estate Management and the like.
2. Other relevant qualifications with substantial work experience will be considered on a case to case basis and at the discretion of Birmingham City University. CPE reserves the right to amend the course’s delivery and cancel the course.
符合要求同學的課程申請費(免);課程註冊費(免);學費為HK$62,000 (in 2 installments @ 31,000) , 未有最終成績亦可遞交報名表, CPE保留計劃申請解釋及審批權利.
(二人學習組)需二人一同報讀及入學2025年3/4 月份BCU-U/G課程,課程申請表可親身或以電郵於2025年3月15日或之前提交.
符合要求同學的課程申請費(免);課程註冊費(50%免)為HK$1,000;學費為HK$62,000 (in 2 installments @ 31,000) , 未有最終成績亦可遞交報名表, CPE保留計劃申請解釋及審批權利.
(個人學習組)個人報讀及入學2025年 3/4 月份BCU-U/G課程,課程申請表可親身或以電郵於2025年3月15日或之前提交.
符合要求同學的課程申請費(免);課程註冊費 為HK$2,000;學費為HK$62,000 (in 2 installments @ 31,000) , 未有最終成績亦可遞交報名表, CPE保留計劃申請解釋及審批權利.
未有申請學費優惠如下: HK$72,000 (2 installments @ 36,000) HK$2,000 (registration fee)
It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. 個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格